Circular Economy

Circular Economy

We maintain 4 concepts of circular economy.
A circular economy focuses on reduces wastage, pollution with repair, reuse, reduction. In addition, it aslo emphasizes re-storying natural systems while creating conditions for supporting re-generation.

Circular Economy

We want to reach net zero emission step by step that is our target.The negative impact of CO2 emissions on the environment and on human life it is no longer a prediction of the future. Poor air quality and extreme phenomena are just two of the serious consequences of pollution.
On a global scale, there is a steady increase in plastic consumption which, unfortunately, does not enter the recycling circuit, but reaches the environment, having a disastrous effect on the natural ecosystem.
GreenPlast recycles PET packaging and manufactures new recycled plastic products. This process requires a considerably lower energy consumption compared to the manufacture of the same products from virgin inputs. The undeniable benefit obtained is the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

circular economy

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